About Us
As a consulting service, we assist with a variety of projects within clinical medicine and healthcare. We focus on providing evidence synthesis for pharmaceutical and medical device corporations, startups, and academic hospitals.
Our team includes experts who have published across over 15 different clinical specialties. With over 10 years of experience and 50 papers published in the highest impact journals, it is likely that our experts have dealt with your question or concern before.
Our Services
Private Corporations:
We provide evidence-based synthesis for pharmaceutical and biotech firms, as well as academic institutions. Our team includes experts within clinical medicine, data science, and marketing, allowing for accurate and balanced recommendations.
Our services include:
Subject-matter expertise via systematic literature reviews.
Access to expert clinicians and statisticians.
Due diligence consulting.
Academic Research Groups:
Accurate study design and data analysis is key to project growth and published papers. We provide expertise for the following study designs:
Systematic reviews
o Pairwise comparison
o Network meta-analysis
o Individual patient data meta-analysis
o Diagnostic test accuracy meta-analysis
o Meta-analysis of prevalence/incidence rates
Cohort studies
Randomized controlled trials
Case series
Case reports
We also perform the following statistics:
Basic biostatistics (demographics tables, t-test, ANOVA, Fisher’s exact test, chi-square)
Regression modeling (linear, logistic, ordinal, multi-level)
Bayesian analyses
Markov chain monte carlo
Data visualization